The biological vitality cure for plants

WALDLEBEN is an active plant resistance improver based on amino acids and produced in a purely organic manner. WALDLEBEN strengthens the regenerative ability and immune system of plant cells and thus restores their vitality. It restores the biological equilibrium in the plant and its environment, rendering additional fertilization unnecessary.

For many years now, customers worldwide have been attesting to the outstanding efficacy of WALDLEBEN. Even badly damaged plants soon surpass similar, untreated plants in growth, leaf colour and beauty.


WALDLEBEN helps trees survive

Acid soil, pollutants, exhaust fumes and unsuitable locations result in the oft lamented demise of forests. Even in gardens, many trees are diseased and show bare branches, poor growth, bark damage and harmful insect infestations. Just a single treatment with WALDLEBEN can ensure their survival!


WALDLEBEN increases yields

WALDLEBEN is a purely biological product that is ideally suitable for the chemical-free treatment of fruit trees and soft fruit bushes. Not only will you notice a marked increase in yields, but check out the flavour too: WALDLEBEN ensures that an apple tastes like an apple and a pear like a pear again!


Roses love WALDLEBEN

Treat all your plants in the garden, on the balcony or in the house with WALDLEBEN and enjoy a blooming miracle: roses, rhododendrons, shrubs and all other garden plants will repay your care with a profusion of superb flowers and increased resistance to parasites and diseases.

Brief details of how WALDLEBEN works and of how to apply it can be found in the FAQs. You’ll find a more detailed description in the product information.

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